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2nd Grade

Sunday, December 1, 2013

As the seasons change so do the sports!

Zoe's 2013 Soccer team! The Breakers!
Gosh, it has been awhile since my last post! I was having trouble adding pictures to the blog site.  So the good news is I am back! Zoe has had a number of exciting things happen over the last month or so.  She is so excited that her first tooth is loose, one of her front bottom teeth. She would not let me get pliers so I could help her pull it out so I guess we will have to take the usual approach of waiting until it is ready to come out. Zoe has been taking some private lessons to help her get ready to move to level two in tumbling.  She can now do a round off thingee and some sort of back spring.  Her coach said that Zoe has the body type to be a great tumbler if she can focus.  A six year old girl....focus? Really! Zoe also just finished her soccer for the fall.  I must say she improved dramatically from last year.  At last now she knows which way to kick the ball.  Last year it was progress for her to kick the ball, she still at times misses the ball...kind of reminds me of Charlie Brown, the only difference is when Zoe rears back to kick the soccer ball, Lucy is not there to pull it away.  Zoe just flat out misses the ball...both Sonja and I get a chuckle every time she plays.
How is school?  Zoe is doing so much better.  She has improved her reading skills but most importantly she is working hard on her social skills.  We have to keep reminding her not to kick, hit, punch, push, spit or say naughty things to others.  We received a progress report that she has improved significantly. Zoe likes school and gets to ride the bus on occasion which she really enjoys.
Zoe is so excited for the holidays.  There are so many toys out there that she is having difficulty choosing which ones to ask for. I am sure she will get many more than she needs.
Nathaniel's 2013 Football Season
Nathaniel's football season came to an end a few weeks back.  His team made the state playoffs but lost right away.  It is hard to come off a season before where you were the State Champions.  They played well and had fun. I cannot believe he only has one more year of football left.  We believe he has a good shot of being the starting punter his senior year. The would be a great way to cap off his football career.  now, he is practicing wrestling.  He was a 160 at the end of football season and is trying to get to the 138 pound class for wrestling. He has more discipline than I did at his age Nathaniel is doing great in school and is also practicing his pitching and hitting on a weekly basis getting ready for baseball season.
All else is well. Sonja is almost done with all our adoption paperwork and is getting our house in order (I hope) for the holidays! Until next time...have a great week and happy holidays!!!

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