Back to School

Back to School
2nd Grade

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Girls outnumber the boys!

Zoe and her sister Harper

Harper, Santa and Zoe dressed for the holidays!
Just a few years ago there were only three of us...and now we have both Zoe and Harper.  The girls now outnumber the boys.  Zoe likes being a big sister.  She gets to play with her and they are becoming fast friends as well as being sisters.  Much more laughter in the household.  However, I also get concerned and suspicious when all goes quiet.  They always take baths together and the last time I went in I saw water on all the walls, floors and ceiling and when I asked how that happened neither one could come up with an answer...all I heard is "I dunno"  the funny part of the whole episode was Harper had a spray bottle in her hand when she looked me square in the eyes  and said "I dunno". 
So, Zoe and Santa have a special bond and he let's her take pictures with him before his yearly toy run. We have a picture of her and Santa in 2012, 2013 and now 2014.  
Zoe and Santa in 2013

Zoe and Santa in 2012
Zoe has been competing for Elite Cheer and she has participated in two competitions.  Her team has taken a fist place and a second place so far.  they have a good little team. She is a tumbler which means she gets to do all the cartwheels and other crazy flips while other are part of the pyramid.  She really likes it and seems to be a natural. Should be fun to see her develop and grow to be a great cheer leader.  It's a lot of work and you have to be a good athlete.  
Well, that's all for now.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Zoe's busy little life....and enjoyong every minute of it!!!

Zoe has been very busy since school started.  She has been practicing for he first competitive cheer leading competition which starts in November.  last week we watch a trial run and she knew just what to do and does her tumbling passes as good as anyone else on the team.  Gymnastics and cheer seems to be a great fit for her skills.  It allows her to dress up and also, be involved competitively and still be athletic. Last week Zoe had hula day and Halloween.  Her mom was traveling so her dad got her dressed for both activities.  Although you cannot see them, her mom bought her a coconut bra. So I put it on her, I guess the kids at school did not like it too much and teased her a bit however she rolled with the punches (maybe mom went just a coconut hair too far).  For Halloween I got her dressed as a 50's girl in a pink poodle skirt.  Must say she was soooo darn cute.  When I took her trick or treating she got a lot of candy.  Who can deny a cute little girl a few extra pieces of candy.  She came home with enough candy for everyone.  Oh my.  Zoe is getting along well with her new little sister Harper Grace.  They sleep together, eat together and watch cartoons and the Disney Channel together.  I think having Harper in our lives is already making a big difference for Zoe.  Zoe just loves being with her and being her big sister. Let's see if this lasts, hope so, however Zoe seems to disappear any time we notice its time to change Harper's dirty diapers.  Then again, I hide too!!!

Hula Day at School
Elite Cheer outfit

2014 Halloween party at her school
Zoe just really likes he brother Nathaniel's girlfriend Bailey.  So she struck a pose with Bailey before the home coming dance. 

Zoe standing by Bailey her big brothers date to Homecoming
 Zoe also got to go to the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo. You may or may not know that her grandmother was a docent there for a number of years.  Zoe went with her entire class and you can see her hanging with her friends.  Zoe also posed by the memorial plaques at the zoo in memory of my parents. 
Zoe at the Zoo with her 2nd Grade classmates

Zoe at the Zoo with her 2nd Grade classmates

Zoe standing next to my parent memorial plaques at the zoo

Zoe all dressed up before her school concert

Monday, October 20, 2014

Zoe and Nathaniel gets a little sister

I know, I know I have been saying we were in process to adopt a little boy from China and we had about 5 more months.  But our plans changed. So, Sonja and I get a phone call from our adoption agency that a beautiful little girl 2 & 1/2 years old from Korea named Kaylen Jenna.  She had been given up by her birth mother and adopted by a family in Houston.  The new Korean American adoptive mother was unable to bond with Kaylen and also found out she was pregnant.  With a very difficult pregnancy they felt like they needed to again put Kaylen up for what they call a disruptive adoption. We got the phone call and we felt it made sense to add Kaylen to the family. She is a beautiful little girl with big eyes and a beautiful smile.  She is incredibly perceptive and appears to be off the charts smart. She likes to push buttons, open up doors and explore.  When we brought her home we were worried about our two dogs Bear and Abbie but that was a non-issue. So, where was Zoe?   We were encouraged not to bring Zoe so we could begin the adoption process and start the bonding process. Looking back it was good advice. So she stayed at her Grand Parents and got to spend quality time with her cousins Hallie, Madison and Peyton who all dote over Zoe.  When Zoe got home she rushed in to give Kaylen a gift that her grandparents gave both of them. They hit it off immediately laying together, taking a bath together and sleeping together.  Nathaniel also seemed to be excited about meeting Kaylen.  We have learned quickly that the best way to get Kaylen upset is to take anything from her that she is not yet ready to give up.  Oh come the tears. Like Zoe they both like fashion and  like to pose for the camera.  Kaylen is a sweet little girl and will look up to her big sister Zoe. We are all excited she is here!
Pictures of  Kaylen...we are encouraged to change Kaylen's name so right now we are thinking Grace Harper or Skyler Grace or Harper Grace.  We just have not found that right blend.  We will know shortly and will share in her own blog.  That's all for now.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Summer fun having a blast and now it's fall and there is a chill in the air

So Zoe had a fun and busy summer and now she finds herself in second grade.  Zoe really like her new teacher Mrs.  Kowalski.  Reading has clicked so we often find Zoe at a table or chair reading a book about princesses.  This past week she checked out a book of jokes.  She tried a few of them on us and she had all kinds of fun telling us the punch line.  Zoe is still very active. This summer she played Coach pitch baseball and actually hit the ball several times.  She is also in gymnastics and has graduates to a intermediate class.  Also she was selected and is participating on a competition cheerleading team for Elite Cheer and has her first competition next weekend.  Should be interesting and we do not know what to expect. This summer she hung out with her mom a lot and had several of her friends come over to swim and act crazy. I am anxious to see how she reacts to a new sister/brother which we should know something final in the next few weeks.  
Zoe is playing soccer now and has actually scored a few goals.  She still likes to watch more than play and like to hop around.  She is getting better at kicking the ball but still is not dribbling it.  Her coach must yell her name at least 20 times a game and you can hear him from 100's of yards away.  So by now everyone in the soccer complex knows the name ZOE. As she would like it.

 Zoe's brother Nathaniel has already been busy his senior year.  He is playing varsity football and fall baseball.  He is getting a lot of mail form all the universities in the mid west and has narrowed his school choices to Rockhurst, Benedictine, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska Wesleyan and maybe Northwest Missouri State.  He has worked out for the coaches at Benedictine  and Nebraska Wesleyan has expressed interest as well.  So he has taken a few college trips and will take more soon. Homecoming is around the corner and has a date.  Phewww, now his mom can relax as she was getting impatient. 

Late summer we bought a cabin next to Table Rock lake in Branson West and excited about getting down there as much as possible to boat and have fun.  First steps fist we are trying to furnish it to make is more comfortable. Nathaniel is excited and has already invited a friend the last time we went down. We are only 20 minutes from Branson and Sonja is enjoying the chance to decorate. It comes with a boat slip and we will have to decide whether we buy a boat, pontoon or some jet skis.

 So all is good right now, there is a chill in the air and getting ready for Halloween. 


Friday, January 3, 2014

Anyone know what the going rate is for the Tooth Fairy?


For the past week, I don’t think I saw Zoe without her right index finger and sometimes accompanied by her right thumb furiously wiggling her bottom right primary lateral incisor. She would wiggle, wiggle and wiggle it some more until she was to the point that her baby tooth was literally hanging there and I was not sure what was holding it from coming free. Quite honestly, it became such a distraction, I finally told her to come to me and pen her mouth.  She had some reservations as I know she was still worried that if I pulled it would be painful.  Quite honestly, I gained even more respect for our dentist as I am not sure how anyone would enjoy putting their hands in someone else’s mouth.  The first time I tried to grab her tooth using my index finger and thumb I was having a difficult time getting a hold of the tooth.  My finger was just too large.  However, on a second attempt I was able to get a hold of her tooth and acted if I was just going to wiggle I some more when all he sudden I swiftly pulled it out.  The good news was after I pulled it out she though the tooth was still in her mouth. Even though I had that little, I mean little tooth still wedged between my finger and thumb.  I finally had to show it to Zoe to prove that it had been pulled.  The good news, was she was so ecstatic. So, on New Year’s Day (January 1, 2014) Zoe Ann lost her first tooth a milestone to say the least.   I would have won “Bapa of the day award”, Zoe calls me Bapa which is the Chinese word for dad! I had no idea how excited she would be, she cannot wait to get back to school to show her classmates that she no longer owns a body part, albeit a tooth.  However, it is important to the circle of friends she “hangs” with at school.
So the next challenge Sonja and I ran into was the Tooth Fairy, or in this case Tooth Fairies.  Do you know they now make pillows specifically for the Tooth Fairy? Yes and furthermore, I found out on New Year’s day that we owned one. I remember when I was growing up, that that night I would take the tooth, cleaned by my mother and placed it under the pillow in hopes the Tooth Fairies would leave one or two shiny quarters behind for me to find.  Looking back, I am amazed that “the Tooth Fairies” was able to find my tooth as much as little kids toss and turn in the bed, it would be easy for a little tooth to get lost. If it did get lost, the “Tooth Fairies” could still leave the money but how do you explain weeks or months later when the child stumbles across the tooth under the bed?  Hmmm…those are one of the dogs teeth…I guess. Lucky we have dogs.  So Sonja and I had to strategize the “Tooth fairies” removes the tooth while Zoe sleeps and exchanges the tooth for money.  At age 6, it’s all about the money.  So, what is the going rate for a tooth.  I mentioned that we thought we were doing pretty good getting up to two shiny quarters.  Back in the day….oh my did I just say that.  Now I feel old.  Well, back in the day two shiny quarters could buy two super hero comic books unless it was the Big Value Comic book and still may have money left over.  So my dilemma was what is the going rate for a tooth?  Zoe was hoping for a dollar.  Did you know that iTunes and Visa both have Tooth Fairies downloadable apps and there are also online calculators to help you determine what the “Tooth Fairies” should give.  Needless to say, no matter how scientific or technologically advanced we become Sonja and I decided just to use our gut instincts.  Yes, you do not need to remind me that I have spent over 23 years in a technological firm supporting the financial industry. With all the technology out there we decided the “Tooth Fairies” would leave 10 times the amount the “Tooth Fairy”” left me.  That is five times more than what she was hoping for so hopefully when she woke up she was pleasantly surprised. Tooth be told, if the “Tooth Fairies” did not get it right, hey have nine-time more times to make the appropriate adjustments.
So, Zoe has the money….the Tooth Fairies have the tooth and I cannot think of a better way for Zoe to start out a new year!  Happy New year! Can’t wait until end of day January 6th to hear how her first bay back to school was and the feedback she received on her first missing tooth.  Clearly, losing teeth at her age is a status symbol.  You garner great honor losing a tooth and it magnifies if you have lost more than one. Zoe’s friend is a legend as she has lost more than three teeth, more than any other classmate and she now offers guidance to her friends as Zoe has quoted her several times. My favorite quote, “our teeth always belled when they come out….but it never hurts!  Well maybe not much!
So, a question to think about? Now what in the world does the Tooth Fairies do with the teeth once they have exchanged to tooth for money?  Hmmm..a topic to ponder! Happy New Year!