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2nd Grade

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Happy First Gotcha Day"

A year ago today, we met the Phil and Tara downstairs in our hotel in Kunming waiting for our trip to meet Zoe and Ada for the first time.  We hopped in a small sized bus/van and made our way down the windy roads of Kunming. We made our way to the agency and were asked to complete a number of papers, get pictures taken and finger printed. After that was done we waited for just a short time when both beautiful little girls Zoe and Ada came into the room. I think we had braced ourselves for a tearful greeting...but that was not the case. Ada almost immediately began playing with Tara playing with toy dishes and Zoe played with her books and explored her new Princess back pack.

Looking at all the adoption  paperwork, phone calls, meetings, etc. lasting well over a year.  I think we were all so emotionally drained by the end of the day after meeting and taking Zoe with us.. I remember thinking...Holy Cow..what have I gotten myself into...a girl...I grew up with one brother and until May 30, 2011 we had only one boy. Needless to say...after a year...I still sometimes think to myself...oh my, what have I gotten myself into. But it has been fun.  Zoe is a wonderful, curious and at times devious little fashionista who likes to give and receive hugs and kisses and loves Nick Jr (the T.V. show). After a full year she knows how to spell her name, speaks pretty good English can count to around 40 (with only a few trouble spots), can sing the alphabet and when no one is looking can cut her bangs short and crooked. She loves pizza, has ordained her self a Disney styled princess and loves to visit Old McDonald's (as she calls it) for a girls only Happy Meal.

Now a year later...we feel very lucky to have Zoe as a family member. She is an amazing little girl and wanted to wish her a "Happy Gotcha Day!"   We Gotcha and we are not going to let you go. Also a quick shout out to Phil, Tara, Ada and family.  Happy Gotcha Day!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Zoe!!!

My gosh, Zoe turns 5 years old tomorrow and she is so excited. Her Mom bought a birthday cake today and she is ready to rip right into it. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a few little finger marks running through the icing as she has gone over to look at the cake at least 20 times in the hour it has been home. Tomorrow is her birthday so we thought we would celebrate early as a family and then host a birthday party with all her friends later. Tonight we went to 'Sinful Burger" for a birthday dinner. Zoe decided to stick about a 1/4th of the burger in her mouth and was laughing.  She almost gagged!

Can't believe I ate the whole thing!


Next week, on May 30th we celebrate our first "Gotcha" day.  That is the day last year when we first got Zoe in China.  I remember how cute she was with her little camouflage backpack. She was dressed up and was just a tad shy. She warmed up quickly to her mom.

We will always have a special connection with Phil, Tara and Ada (Vong's) who were our travel mates when we went to China. They made our trip that more special  What a great couple...I wish them a happy "Gotcha" day. Thinking about them this coming week. Maybe we all can go back when Zoe and Ada are older...(hint, hint).  Would be fun!

Today we went to watch Zoe in a special gymnastics open house.  She got the chance to show us what she does on all the gymnastics apparatus. It is amazing how she has progressed. She is getting close to doing a cart wheel, can do a strong arching back bend and is working on a walk over. She is also practicing on the balance beam, uneven bars and parallel bars.  She is getting pretty good! You might notice a band aid on her finger in some of the pictures. Yes...she burned one of her fingers and we cannot figure out what she did.  We have asked her a few times and she continues to change her story from the hair curler, iron and enclosed fireplace. Anyhow she got a nice sized blister that has popped and now is slowly healing.

Zoe on the balance beam
Zoe on the uneven bars

Where's Mom and dad?
Zoe following her coach...can you see her bandaged finger?

Eye of the Tiger routine

Floor exercise
Zoe on the pommel horse
Zoe just looking cute! Wouldn't you agree!

So we are putting my folks house up for sale later this week. It has been so much work (both physically and emotionally).  This past week we spent time painting the inside of garage and pulling the remaining items out of the house. It is in Fontenelle Hills forest and it is the perfect time to list a house with everything in full bloom and the pool in the back yard. Hopefully we will get some interested buyers going through the house soon.

Nathaniel finishes his 9th grade year this week.  As finals approach, he is working hard to get straight A's. He has one grade that is a B+ (English) we are hoping for him that he is able to pull it up. He has worked so hard in that class. Either way, both his mom and dad are very proud of him. Nathaniel has try-outs for American legion baseball and he made the Junior Varsity team. Only a few freshman were moved up to JV so it was a big honor for him.

All is well otherwise...hope everyone has a nice Memorial day weekend this coming weekend! Talk to you soon.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Baseball anyone?

Lots of activity the last few weeks.  Zoe earned her third ribbon in gymnastics which means she has been able to master 30 skills! I guess it gets more difficult as they continue to work to the next several ribbons. She still looks forward to it and it is a great activity for her.  Sonja just signed her up for T-Ball for the summer.  I still remember watching Nathaniel playing his first year of T-Ball, now he is playing high school baseball. In less than two weeks he will try out for summer legion ball. He had a good spring season.  Pitched well and played primarily short stop and second base.  I clocked his pitches and he was throwing about 71 miles an hour...not bad for a high school freshman. Coaches used him as a starter and middle relief. Zoe enjoyed going to the games, as long as I bought her a bag of popcorn and a drink she was good. We look forward to watching her play T-Ball should be a hoot!

Nathaniel pitching v Bryan High School

Zoe napping with Minnie
Zoe was invited to her first birthday party this past weekend!She had a great time.  As you can see in the picture  below she was dressed in her favorite Right down to her pink sandals.  Oh boy, dad (she calls me bapa)  is in trouble if she becomes a fashionista...and she seesm to be trending that direction. I may need some tips on girls fashion and matching colors.   When I went to pick her up, she still had some frosting around her mouth and said she had fun. I think we will see many more birthday party invitations in the future as she seems to be very well liked by her classmates.  We are only weeks away from two big dates in Zoe's life...her birthday is May 21 and our Gotcha Day is May 28th.  We will look to celebrate both...cannot believe she has been with us for almost a year! Zoe is an amazing little girl. Sometimes, maybe to astute.  Last week she decided to get a pair of scissors and cut her bangs.  Unfortunately, we did not catch her in time and now is sporting some very short bangs. I am being told for girls, that is a very common thing. Oh my, we have a lot in the future in store or us...I can just feel it...

Going to a Birthday Party!

Last week I met with an attorney to finalize Zoe's adoption in the state of Nebraska.  Everything should finalize in the next 30-90 days. At the same time we finalized my parents probate and plan to put my parents house up for sale a few weeks.  Must say, it has been a long and difficult process. I think of them daily.

Well Nathaniel is now driving to and from school daily and his 9th grade year is ending in just a few weeks. Wow, where did the time go.

Well, that is about all for now.  Hope all is well..enjoy the Spring.