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2nd Grade

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers day to all of you fathers out there! So the whole family is settling in after the trip to China. I am still trying to shake the flu or whatever I got while in China. It continues to linger. Sonja has caught up on laundry and has made a number of trips to the store to get whatever we need now Zoe is here. Nathaniel is back in action on the field so he is happy.  Since we have arrived last Friday his team has played a minimum of 11 games.  They took third in the tournament in Sioux City and just took first in the Papillion Days NIT tournament today. So they had a very successful couple of weeks.  Which is great now that they are getting ready to go into the state tournament next week.

Nathaniel's baseball team wins the Papillion Baseball NIT Tournament

Zoe has also settled in.  She is doing very well.  Although the time change was harder on her than the rest of us, she has adjusted well. She is eating very well.  She likes chicken fingers, tuna fish, hamburgers, yogurt, bananas and has a sweet tooth.  She has explored the whole house and enjoys our telephone as we find her trying to dial and talk to somebody at least once a day. She is a quick learner and has picked up a number of English words including but not limited to:  Thank you, No, Water, Oh My, Awesome, Banana and can count to 10.  She enjoys her room and particularly likes her purse and also likes to color. She likes to wander into Nathaniel room, I am not so sure Nathaniel is crazy about that.  He recently asked if he could add a lock to his door...hmmmm...I wonder if he is telling us something.  She is at times shy but warms up quickly and interacts with others.  She likes cartoons and watches this crazy show called Yo Gabba, Gabba. She has already spent time with her grandparents and with Eric/Kris and family. It was great to see them. One thing we have learned about Zoe is when she gets in the car, she will nod off to sleep in just a few minutes.  Zoe loves taking baths as she likes to splash in the water.  She is getting along well and everyone that meets her just adores her. She has been very accepting and likes attention which she is getting plenty of.  We are so excited to have her here.  She is doing great....

We also have learned that Zoe is afraid of dogs.  We noticed that in China but when she came home she wanted nothing to do with our two dogs. Both of our dogs are very friendly and do not bite. She is warming up to them but will still avoid them if she can.  She will pet them if I am their petting them with her.  The other night there were fireworks and she was not crazy about the loud noises so July 4th may not be her favorite holiday.

Zoe in Sioux City helping with sandbags due to all the flooding

Zoe at the ball park with one of her new friends!

Zoe is a daredevil as she jumps down a few stairs

As I reflect on being a father, I must say I am very lucky to have two great kids. They keep us young.  Or at least younger.

Have a great week! Thanks for dropping in! Until next time....

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