Back to School

Back to School
2nd Grade

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What are the odd's that both of us have to travel for work at the same time!!

About two weeks ago, Sonja and I learned we were both going to have to travel for work the same week.  Actually, we had the same day of departure, same airline just different destinations. It's funny because Sonja rarely travels and when she does it seems we are both scheduled to travel at the same time. How weird is that. So far, we have found away to balance it all. So the question was, who is going to watch Zoe and Nathaniel while we were away traveling this week.  Fortunately, my trip was just an overnight trip to Atlanta while Sonja was traveling to Cleveland for four days. Call in the Grandparents.  Sonja's parents (Jerry & Judy) were awesome.  A special "thank you" to Jerry and Judy for taking time out of their busy schedule to come to Bellevue from Lincoln and stay overnight and watch them both.  Both Zoe and Nataniel enjoyed spending time with their grandparents.

Now for my second concern, this was the first time both Sonja and I have left Zoe.  We were not sure has she was going to respond.  However, Zoe managed through it just fine.  I thinks she now knows that we have no intention in leaving her or letting her go.  It is also nice to see both Nathaniel and Zoe getting along well. At the restuarant, Nathaniel played one of those coin operated cranes that tries to pick up stuffed animals. Well he won three stuffed animals and gave two of them to Zoe and one to his grandparents. It was his own idea and not prompted by his mother or father.  How cool is that! I know Zoe misses Sonja because she continues to ask for Mommy.  I just tell her she is at work but will be coming home soon.

Nathaniel just started high school and really likes it at Gross.  He is meeting a number of kids and has found a few he likes to hang out with. His first football game is next Thursday and they have him at safety and wide receiver. He seems to enjoy quite a bit it but football definitely takes a back seat to baseball and wrestling. Nataniel also seems to like all his classes and is already learning to march for the band. In a couple of years he may have the opportunity to play football and then at half time march with the band...wouldn't that be cool. I think he may find he is being challenged in his Theology class...he may have to reach out to his cousins as some of the assignments are specific to Catholicism and his parents have no clue how to help him on some of the questions.  However he is eager to learn and it should be interesting learning the different world religions.  So, cross your fingers that he continues to enjoy his high school experience.

Zoe in front of her daycare..she has a great time there

Zoe is also going to day care/preschool. She looks forward to going and every morning runs up to the teacher and gives her a big hug.  That is a good sign.  She comes home most days with artwork and continues to pick-up more words and we are now starting to make out some of the words.  How exciting. Zoe has made herself at home and is just fun to watch her as she learns new things. I know she will be excited to see her mom who arrives home later tonight. An update from posts a few months back, when Zoe first arrived at our home she was terrified of our two dogs. She would jump on a couch and watch both dogs to make sure they did not get close to her.  If they did she would try to kick them and she would make this sound warning them to go away. Well now she is tolerant of them.  She has no problem walking around them and she will even pet them from time to time. So we can breathe just a  little easier now that she seems to be OK when she is around the dogs.  Phew!!!

 So, for now...all is well. Thanks for dropping by.

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