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2nd Grade

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thank you to all our Friends and Family!

It's been a great week for Zoe. Both friends and family have given her some great gifts....she received several coordinating outfits from Lori McGuire and Patti Edwards. She also received a nice adoption journal book from Steve Trehern and the HR team, some really cool Barbie dolls from Linda Drumm, a badminton set from the Siwa's and cool set of Dr. Suess books from Dominique. She also received an adorable Chinese Doll from her Aunt Lisa and Uncle David & Family and a Canopy Bed from Aunt Brenda and Uncle Jack & Family and of Course the Fernau family. She just loved her cousins...especially the girls from York!  Thank you all for your kindness.  When we first met Zoe all she came with is a backpack with just one set of clothes.  Her eyes lit up every time she received and opened her gifts. This week she got to meet many of her Aunts and Uncles and cousins. So it has been a great week for Zoe.  Zoe continues to adjust very well to her new family...she is a very smart little girl.  She continues to learn new English words and has become very close to her mom. Zoe is a little dare devil...she likes to run, jump and scratch her knees. When she gets a bump or scrape..she says owieee but never cries!  We cannot wait to see what activities she will be interested in....we are thinking maybe gymnastics and T-ball to start...

Like last weekend...Zoe had the opportunity to watch her big brother play baseball....after a long weekend with 18 other teams from across the state! I promise Zoe...the season is almost over....Nathaniel's team...the Ralston Rams took 2nd place at the Nebraska State AAA Tournament in Milford, Nebraska.  The boys played extremely well.  They were a low seed coming in and beat two of the top seeds to place second in the tournament. They played well both offensively and defensively...we are very proud of all the boys!!!

Ralston Rams 2011 Nebraska State AAA Baseball Tournament (2nd Place)

Nathaniel and Zoe ( Nathaniel said Zoe was his Good Luck charm )

Hoisting the trophy....
So it's been a great week...Sonja is enjoying her time off!  She plans to meet with the school to see what our next steps are regarding preschool. Bellevue has a very good program that will help Zoe accelerate her English vocabulary.  In the meantime...Nathaniel is going to a number of College World Series games. He loves going to watch the games and hang out with his buddies.  So all is well this week....Hope all is well with you! Have a great week and thanks for dropping in!

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