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2nd Grade

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Girls outnumber the boys!

Zoe and her sister Harper

Harper, Santa and Zoe dressed for the holidays!
Just a few years ago there were only three of us...and now we have both Zoe and Harper.  The girls now outnumber the boys.  Zoe likes being a big sister.  She gets to play with her and they are becoming fast friends as well as being sisters.  Much more laughter in the household.  However, I also get concerned and suspicious when all goes quiet.  They always take baths together and the last time I went in I saw water on all the walls, floors and ceiling and when I asked how that happened neither one could come up with an answer...all I heard is "I dunno"  the funny part of the whole episode was Harper had a spray bottle in her hand when she looked me square in the eyes  and said "I dunno". 
So, Zoe and Santa have a special bond and he let's her take pictures with him before his yearly toy run. We have a picture of her and Santa in 2012, 2013 and now 2014.  
Zoe and Santa in 2013

Zoe and Santa in 2012
Zoe has been competing for Elite Cheer and she has participated in two competitions.  Her team has taken a fist place and a second place so far.  they have a good little team. She is a tumbler which means she gets to do all the cartwheels and other crazy flips while other are part of the pyramid.  She really likes it and seems to be a natural. Should be fun to see her develop and grow to be a great cheer leader.  It's a lot of work and you have to be a good athlete.  
Well, that's all for now.

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