Happy Passover & Happy Easter to
all of our family and Friends!
We are at the end if March in Nebraska and the reaming snow from last week is finally melting. Everyone I talk to is just about fed up with the snow and is ready for Spring. Me too!!!
It has been a couple for really busy weeks for both Zoe and her brother Nathaniel. Both of them had their parent teachers conferences. Zoe's teacher indicated that Zoe is doing really well with both her progress and her school grades. You have to remember that Zoe has been in the United States less than 2 years and she has almost caught up with all of her classmates. Her teacher was pleased with her progress. However, her teacher was not going to let us leave on a positive indicating that Zoe has a tendency to be aggressive (hitting or saying mean things on occasion) with the other children. So, we have something we will need to continuously focus on.
Zoe has been very busy away from school...she received her next ribbon in gymnastics and also received a certificate of accomplishment in her dance classes. Sonja is exploring a cheer leading program in Omaha and she has again signed her up for T-ball this summer. So she will continually be busy with fun activities through the Spring and Summer.
Nathaniel too has been very busy. His parent-teacher conference was very positive. He is currently ranked 18th in his class with almost a 4.0 GPA. We are proud of both Nathaniel and Zoe as they both received very positive grade reports.
He was in the midst of his High School tryouts where he made the JV team for his high school as a regular player plus will be asked to pitch on a regular basis. Unfortunately due to the late snows and cold weather his first four games have been cancelled or postponed so we are still waiting for his first game. He has a game this Monday, April 1rst that we are hoping they will get to play. He is still practicing freestyle wrestling twice a week. He now is a regular full time driver and is now aloud to drive where he wants as his restrictions expired on his birthday earlier this week.
All is well here...hope you have a nice early spring!
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