It's amazing that the school year is almost over. Zoe finishes kindergarten this Wednesday and looking back she has come a long way. She is now able to sound out small words and read Dr. Seuss books, she is much better at coloring within the lines and using multiple colors and her vocabulary continues to expand. Her teacher feels in most areas she is on target. She must be listening to her brother as she recently mentioned she had aced her math test. Her swim lessons for this year are done, she just finished her gymnastics with a show that her and her team performed and we are a few weeks out from her dance recital. She really seems to enjoy dance. Zoe has mastered over 60 skills in gymnastics, receiving her red ribbon. Over the summer, Sonja is going to enroll her in t-ball and tumbling at one of the cheer leading facilities. I have to mention one of her recent comments/actions. "Dad, I am really full" and she opens her mouth and says "look, see I am full" as if I can see her stomach when looking in her mouth.
This year we have attended a number of graduation parties. Zoe's two cousins (Hallie and Madison) graduated from their respective high schools and both looking to go to college in Nebraska. Zoe really looks up to both of them. We are really proud of both of them.
Zoe is just days away from her 6th birthday. She has been asking for about 11 months when her next birthday will be and now we are so close. Her Mom plans to throw a party and invite a number of her school friends. Only two days away! We are also less than two weeks from our second "Gotcha Day". Yes, it has been two years and we are so glad to have her as part of the family. With Sonja in semi-retirement, we are assured both Zoe and Nathaniel will have someone at home so they can do some fun things over the summer. Just cannot wait for the pool to warm up enough so we can have some fun in the backyard.

Nathaniel is busy studying for finals and trying out for summer legion baseball. He will know if he makes the baseball team sometime tomorrow. Since the beginning of this year he has added a new pitch to his arsenal. He throws a two seam fastball, change-up, curve ball and is now able to throw a slider. So, knock on wood he makes the team and has a fun and successful season. He has had a real successful academic and athletic sophomore year. He received two varsity letters and three all Academic All-Conference Recognition. He was also nominated as a Captain of the School Band for his Junior year. We are very proud of him. He still has wrestling practice twice a week so he will be really busy throughout the summer.
All is well here. Glad we are finally seeing some Spring weather and looking forward to the summer. Hope all is well with all of you!