A year ago today, we met the Phil and Tara downstairs in our hotel in Kunming waiting for our trip to meet Zoe and Ada for the first time. We hopped in a small sized bus/van and made our way down the windy roads of Kunming. We made our way to the agency and were asked to complete a number of papers, get pictures taken and finger printed. After that was done we waited for just a short time when both beautiful little girls Zoe and Ada came into the room. I think we had braced ourselves for a tearful greeting...but that was not the case. Ada almost immediately began playing with Tara playing with toy dishes and Zoe played with her books and explored her new Princess back pack.
Looking at all the adoption paperwork, phone calls, meetings, etc. lasting well over a year. I think we were all so emotionally drained by the end of the day after meeting and taking Zoe with us.. I remember thinking...Holy Cow..what have I gotten myself into...a girl...I grew up with one brother and until May 30, 2011 we had only one boy. Needless to say...after a year...I still sometimes think to myself...oh my, what have I gotten myself into. But it has been fun. Zoe is a wonderful, curious and at times devious little fashionista who likes to give and receive hugs and kisses and loves Nick Jr (the T.V. show). After a full year she knows how to spell her name, speaks pretty good English can count to around 40 (with only a few trouble spots), can sing the alphabet and when no one is looking can cut her bangs short and crooked. She loves pizza, has ordained her self a Disney styled princess and loves to visit Old McDonald's (as she calls it) for a girls only Happy Meal.
Now a year later...we feel very lucky to have Zoe as a family member. She is an amazing little girl and wanted to wish her a "Happy Gotcha Day!" We Gotcha and we are not going to let you go. Also a quick shout out to Phil, Tara, Ada and family. Happy Gotcha Day!