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2nd Grade

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Zoe goes to Branson Missouri and Silver Dollar City. Fun for all!!!!

Last week we drove down to Branson Missouri to take Nathaniel to the Sho-Me baseball park and go the Silver Dollar City. Due to the recent flooding on the Missouri River, due to all of the detours, it is about a 7 hour drive.  however, we stayed in Kansas City the first night to watch the Kansas City Royals play against the Tampa Rays. Sonja would be the first to add that they won the game. Then we drove the rest of the way to Branson.

Nathaniel has gone to this camp for the past four years, they stay in dorms and all they do all day is practice baseball and then play a game  in the evening, each night. Nathaniel's team won 3 of the 4 games.  He had a great series as no one scored on him when he pitched and his on base percent was at around .750.  But the great thing about this camp is all the boys he gets to hang with.  They all love baseball so it is a great camp for him.

Nathaniel at Sho-Me Baseball Camp

While he was at camp, Zoe, Sonja and I shopped...oh...boy! And boy did we shop.  Sonja made sure we hit the two large outlets malls, the down town mall and a number of stores in between. Zoe and Nathaniel both scored big. We also went to a movie and then caught Nathaniel games in the evening while he was at camp. The camp is a closed campus. so that is the only time parents are allowed on the camp site. Very secure.

Probably the funnest part was going to Silver Dollar City, an amusement park.  Both Zoe and Nathaniel had a great time. As you can see by the pictures below...It was a great experience for Zoe.  She enjoyed all the rides....she is much like Nathaniel in that they are both dare devils. Zoe waved from all the rides and really had a great time. We had only one mishap.  There is an exhibit at the toy area hat has a animatronic dinosaur. I took a picture of it, I believe it is the last picture.  Well, as we got close, Zoe instantly started crying so we backed away.  I petted the dinosaur to show her it would not harm her but she wanted nothing to do with it. Oh, well...

I was just talking with Sonja and we are both amazed with how quickly Zoe is picking up English. She is now saying simple phrases that she hears "Oh my gosh, just a minutes, Nathaniel did it...etc." Just amazing. She no longer has any issues with the two dogs and she loves watching TV.  She likes Ne hao Kailyn and Dora. So, for the most part everything is going well.  Zoe is adapting and is learning quickly. Sonja has enrolled her into a couple of sporting activities for the fall and starts preschool next week at a local child care center close to home. Sonja returns to work tomorrow so cross your fingers all goes well.

Zoe's older cousin Hallie is in Norway playing in a 16U soccer tournament and we wish her well. Her dad Jack helped to arrange the trip and is thier rooting them on. They won their first game against team from Noway 2-0. Awesome.  Maybe we can have Hallie teach Zoe a few moves as Zoe starts soccer in the fall. We are following the team on facebook (Magpies 16U). 

Anyhow...all is well....we made it home in one piece. . I will let you know how Sonja's return to work is as well as Zoe's first week or so at day preschool/daycare. Should be an interesting week. Thanks for dropping by...

A outlet mall spaceship ride...Zoe loved it!

Zoe on the swings at Silver Dollar City

Sonja, Nathaniel and Zoe

Zoe at the hotel with stickers all over her

Zoe and Nathaniel on the Frog ride. She loved this ride.

Zoe on the carousel and Silver Dollar City

Zoe wasn't too sure about Tom and Jerry

Zoe taking a quick break at one of the gift shops in Branson.

Zoe on the ladybug was a hot day out.

Zoe and Mom on the Spanish Galleon Ride.

Zoe and Mom on the elephant ride.

Zoe at one of the gift shops in Silver Dollar City

Zoe striking a pose, isn't she adorable

Zoe outside the Osceola Cheese Store in Osceola Missouri

Zoe and Mom...wasn't to crazy about the mouse.

Nathaniel and Zoe having fun at Silver Dollar City

Zoe on the caterpillar ride

Zoe met her match...she did not like the Dino in front of the toy store

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