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2nd Grade

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Our Little Cheerleader!

Well it is towards the end of January and low and behold it was almost 50 degrees on Friday, January 25th in Omaha, Nebraska.  I was half tempted to get the baseball glove and ball out and see if Zoe or Nathaniel wanted to have a catch! Maybe pushing it just a little.
Yesterday, Zoe's school sponsored sports day where the students were able to dress up in an outfit related to a sport or sport activity. When I came home Sonja had Zoe dressed up head to toe in a Razorbacks Cheer Leaders costume. She looked awfully darn cute! Wouldn't you agree? Oh...for my Nebraska friends and relatives...she would have sparkled in a Husker cheer leading outfit as well! I think next year Sonja plans to enroll her in some cheer leading clinics as she clearly is showing some interest. Oh...Oh I am not sure I signed up for this. (just kidding)

Last week Nathaniel had a high school wrestling tournament.  He took first place. Which was exciting but I think the picture below says it all. Nathaniel's matches may only last for 3 minutes or so....and the tournament usually last 4 hours so they found things to occupy themselves  the other 3 hours and 51 minutes. Then everyone looks forward to having dinner out..what to have in Plattsmouth, Nebraska ...let me think....hmmm...Kentucky Fried Chicken or Taco Bell were two really popular choices with Zoe and Nathaniel.

Sonja and Zoe at the wrestling meet!
I think we have three or four more weeks of wrestling before we get a week or two off and then baseball starts. We love watching the kids do their things...but baseball is so much more fun to watch than wrestling. a more sobering note...Starting last Wednesday, out of the blue, Nathaniel began receiving letters from various colleges.  Two on Wednesday, two on Thursday and three on Friday.  Not sure what triggered the letters but it was a wake up sign that he is really not to far away from college.  I am sure the next 2.5 years will fly by! Oh well, just an observation.  All is good here and waiting for really cannot come to soon.

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